
Most people in pain don’t want to read a lot of fancy words – they just want to feel better.  Most people in pain are already taking several drugs which may not be working so well.  The drugs can have bad side effects.  Many people in pain have had injections or surgeries that helped for a little while, and then they didn’t help any more.  The pain came back.
The therapies we talked about on the Dr. Oz Show are just one option for people in pain — one good but slightly pricy option for people in pain.  But there are many others.
Most people in pain just get drugs, shots and surgeries, because that’s what our insurance system pays for.  These can be good options for some people, but if we docs were doing such a good job with pain, why would there be 116 million Americans – more than 1 in 3 people – in chronic pain?
Your doctors, even your pain specialist, most likely do not know what more can be done for you.  But after 25 years as an acupuncturist, chiropractor, mind/body teacher, nutritional expert, pain specialist, and Ivy-League medical school professor, I may have a few helpful ideas for you.
And I’m not selling any pills or gadgets on this site.  This is my life’s work.  Take a look around.  If worst comes to worst, you can always come see me in New York City for a consultation.

Here’s wishing you relief.